Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm going to stop making promises because we all know what happens when I try to do that. I'm just going to make posts when I can and I have a feeling that, now that the snow has FINALLY started melting, I won't be so lazy! We'll see...

I will begin with a picture of Alex and me, the day we got engaged!

April 16, 2011

Yep so I haven't been engaged for a week yet but it's so exciting! I'm getting a little sick of hearing about my own engagement though ...


I don't know why but we talk like that every time my engagement comes up. Must be the excitement. As far as plans go for the actual wedding, well ... I have a lot of being busy to do for the next year, what with finding a job, moving to the city, finishing school, starting and finishing apprenticing, then getting my journeymen and red seal ... so actual planning probably won't start for reals until February/March of next year. I hope to have my wedding in the winter of 2012/2013, so that gives me plenty of time to plan! I don't want to be one of those ladies who is like, work, then plan wedding, then work and plan wedding at work. BAH you know how they are. Frazzled bridezillas ick, I want to be a happy, excited, stress-free-as-possible bride!

Here's the ring - nice and dainty, suits me :)

And one more little picture that is due to bring about a nice little laugh. This was me last Thursday - I had a big sty on my eye and had to go home from school ... I knew I would be sent home, but I wanted to go anyway just to show off how ridiculous I looked!

Like Quasi Moto right?

Alright, back to laundry and cleaning ... have to get ready for the cousins for our Good Friday family dinner!

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