Friday, December 24, 2010

Good morning

It is currently ... 4:12 AM and I just got home from WalMart. I finally crossed off the last person on my Christmas list which I checked twice ... but I just know the first thing I think of in the morning is one more person that I missed, and I will have to go out in the horrifying Christmas Eve last-minute rush traffic to find them something they would like out of the few things that are leftover in the stores. Let's hope that doesn't happen ...

I have made some New Year's Resolutions already as well. Maybe they'll give some other people ideas if they haven't thought of any already.

1) I will keep my room clean. (my resolution from last year, which was a TOTAL fail)
2) I will go to the gym at least every other day, to tone up.
3) I will eat healthier. Too much junk means very pimpley face for someone like me :/
4) Quit smoking. (I don't smoke, but maybe someone who does will read this and get the idea. Smoking is a terrible habit, it shortens your life and makes you look old, and your teeth get disgusting! Not to mention the constant lingering smell!!)
5) MAKE A BLOG POST EVERY DAY! I want to start cracking down in the new year. I really started to go downhill in November, and I need to get back on it again. Keeping a journal has actually benefited me in a couple ways, it helps me remember certain anniversaries, keep track of my thoughts, remember ideas, etc. So, even if I have nothing to talk about in my blog for the day, I WILL MAKE SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT. I'm a hairstylist, I can always find SOMETHING to talk about.

Have a very merry Christmas everyone, and a GORGEOUS new year! Good luck on all your resolutions, and be safe, drive sober and carefully!