A couple years ago my friend's mom was working a booth at the Christmas show, and there was another lady there from out of town who didn't have anyone to help her run her booth (she usually picks up employees when she comes into town). So she asked my friend's mom if she knew anyone who could help her run her booth, and she reccomended me and my friend! So now I have been helping her run all her booths at the craft show each year. Last year, I made $1 500 selling Slap Chops (I got lucky, I just had to sit back and they basically sold themselves. And I'm glad I probably won't be selling them this year, because on the last day of the show I had people coming back and complaining that the Slap Chops they bought from me didn't work, and I don't want to be seen selling them again this year because by now, EVERYONE will know that they are ... pretty much bullshit.)
I'm not sure what I'll be selling yet this year ... but my goal is to make $700-$1 000 doing it (I missed the first day because of school, so there goes at least $500 :/) But $700 in two days would NOT BE SHABBY. So hopefully I can do well again!
Also, my week at school was pretty nuts. On Tuesday, Teena closed the school for the afternoon because everyone was sick (except for me and Amanda, we managed to avoid the cold going around). Then on Wednesday, the pipes were frozen and if we don't have the sinks, we can't do hair! So we had to close it again. As a result, I managed a very productive Thursday.
As for my hair situation ... growing it out will be a very slow process. But I'm figuring out ways to style it, and do my make-up to bring back my old electronic/goth look. I still miss my long hair :( Pretty much the only good thing about the haircut is now it's nice and healthy, rather than how fried it is. The plan is to keep trimming it and bleaching my roots regularly, then it should stay nice and healthy and grow nice and quick (hopefully!)